Friday 22 October 2010

Knowledge Series – Know your Web Founders 1.1 – Ray Tomlinson Creator of Email

Knowledge Series - Know your Web Founders - Ray Tomlinson Creator of Email
Ray Tomlinson – Creator o f Email
Recent Quote:
“Zuckerberg Schmuckerberg!”  Tomlinson was overheard saying at a social gathering.  “My social network has
been around since the 70s.  We support photos, videos — everything Facebook does.” (Source)
Born: 1941, Amsterdam, New York
Computer engineer, Ray Tomlinson invented internet based email in late 1971. He worked as a computer engineer for Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN), the company hired by the United States Defense Department to build the first Internet in 1968.
The @ Symbol
Ray Tomlinson chose the @ symbol to tell which user was “at” what computer. The @ goes in between the user’s login name and the name of his/her host computer.
First Email
The first email was sent between two computers that were actually sitting besides each other. However, the ARPANET network was used as the connection between the two. The first email message was “QWERTYUIOP”.
Ray Tomlinson is quoted as saying he invented email,”Mostly because it seemed like a neat idea.” No one was asking for email.
Excerpts from:

CondensCity Life Cartoon – Gone are the days when you used to hangout in the mall

CondensCity Life Cartoon - Gone are the days when you used to hangout in the mall
(Click on image to  enlarge)
I’m not a massive Facebook user, but seeing my friends and relatives go totally communicative on Facebook – sharing photos of daily cooking and their babies, sharing interesting videos and links…methinks this opens up people more than it would when they meet each other in person. What do you think?

Yaro Starak’s Big Picture when building your Online Business

Yaro Starak's Big Picture when building your Online Business
Have been a regular reader and subscriber to Yaro Starak’s blog and feeds. He practices what he preaches and does provide a lot of value upfront. But sometimes I do wonder, whether all the big money is only made through teaching people how to make money online, quite a paradox isn’t it?

CondensCity Life Cartoon – Dilemmas you face when starting out into a Web development career

(Click on image to view enlarged version)

When you want to get into the web design or web development industry, you’ll be spoilt for choice on what web technologies to adopt. Most of the times, if you are a hired employee, your company gets to choose what you use. Otherwise, as an individual learner, it’s going to be quite interesting how you make your choices. If you are a web developer, let us know your favourites in the comments, maybe us starters can learn a thing or two.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Knowledge Series - Know Your Web Founders 1

Knowledge Series - Know your Web Founders 1

This is the first BlogPostCard of our Knowledge series. Hope to present you with some interesting and informative blogpostcards. This one features the most commonly used web services by the majority of use - Google, Yahoo, Hotmail, Amazon, Facebook and their founders. Let us know in the comments what you would like to see in these series.

CondensCityLife Cartoon - You know your kid's been spending too much time on the Internet when...

CondensCityLife Cartoon - You know your kid's been spending too much time on the Internet when...

(Click to view an enlarged image)

Mr.Cloud's A to Z Web Guide to Free Online Services (Oct 2010)

Mr. Cloud's A to Z Web Guide to Free Online Services - October 2010
(Click on the image to view the enlarged version)

Here is a frequently updated BlogPostCard that is a web guide to some of the popular and best web services in the cloud for the common user. This one is larger than the usual post card size to enhance readability. Do suggest in the comments - good web services and topics that can be included in this web guide.

CondensCity Life Cartoon - YouTube Baby

CondensCity Life Cartoon - YouTube Baby

Maybe it's a common phenomenon, I've found a lot of comments in YouTube children's videos from parents showing it to their kids.

My kid too loves to watch videos of his choice on YouTube. He loves it because, he can choose what he wants to see...there is a whole range of kids entertainment out there on YouTube. And that's what inspired this cartoon. Have you got or seen any YouTube babies/kids? Do share in the comments.

The Leadership Lessons of Ants

The Leadership Lessons of Ants

From, a site I love:

Sitting at a highway rest-stop one afternoon, nonprofit founder Ndubuisi Ekekwe discovered that the way ants work together has profound implications on successful team structures and project management. Inspired by these insights, Ekekwe re-evaluated his leadership model, and eventually re-launched a project he had originally given up on. He identifies 6 elements that ants can teach us about leadership and good business: teamwork, trust, openness, diverse skill sets, diligence, and the flexibility to regroup. [more]

CondensCity Life Cartoon - All that Twitters is not gold!

CondensCity Life Cartoon - All that Twitters is not goldRemember some of those annoying Twitter invites from someone following a zillion people and trying to entice another zillion. No one in their right minds would accept such an invitation. The sole objective of such spammers is to build their list so that they can spam newbies beware!

Sarah Jio's Ten Tricks to Improving your Memory

Sarah Jio's Ten Tricks to Improving your Memory
Sarah Jio's "1o Tricks for Improving your Memory" - very succinctly written article.
Liked the very short and sweet sub-titles. A good example of how an article should be written.

CondensCity Life Cartoon - Start them young!

CondensCity Life Cartoon - Start them young
A for Amazon, B for Blogger, C for CondensCity ;)...actually this comic idea had spawned a further idea of creating a Web Kindergarden series of educational aids for tech newbies. Watch out for it anytime soon!

Forgotten tooth decay cure : heal your cavities and prevent root canals

Forgotten tooth decay cure : heal your cavities and prevent root canals

I'm not so adventurous enough to try some of the food types mentioned in Rami Nagel's thought-provoking article. Our urban modernity has comfortably numbed us. I shudder when I see the four cavities in my three year old's teeth, an unfortunate victim of our sugar coated degenerative food culture.

CondensCity Life Cartoon - Dual Boot Smartphones

CondensCity Life Cartoon - Dual Boot Smartphone
Though I still don't own a smartphone (maybe I'm waiting for those dual boot ones ;), I would love to have one which will allow me to use multiple OS'. Asking for too much am I :)?

Six Keys to Being Excellent at Anything

Six Keys to Being Excellent at Anything
Loved this Tony Schwarz article and it deserved to become a BlogPostCard.
The most profound truths are the simplest and these "Six Keys to Being Excellent at Anything" cannot be simpler.

CondensCity Life Cartoon - Online Entrepreneur

CondensCity Life Cartoon - Online Entrepreneur
(Click on the image to view enlarged version)
Is this how the last will and testament of online entrepreneurs look like? A light-hearted take on the same.
I could have added some references to eBay stores etc., didn't occur to me then...any humorous ideas and maybe some serious ones on what online entrepreneurs might include in their will? Do share in the comments.

Daniel Scocco’s 28 ways to make money with your website

Daniel Scocco's 28 ways to make money with your website
A comprehensive listing of the different ways you can monetize your blog or website from Daniel Scocco.
Read the complete article on his blog.